
Kraftwerk Insider series with Balint Tordai

Our future visions and foresights and our plans for this upcoming season.

Kraftwerk Insider is back! This time you can read an article with our Managing Director, Balint Tordai. If you are interested in our future visions and foresights, our plans for this upcoming season and are keen to learn more about our co-brand kanvas, just read the article below.

The last two years were not easy for the event industry. How do you feel when you look back to these times?

Indeed, it wasn’t easy. I am grateful to Expo 2020, as it gave us security and comfort at a time when other agencies had to give up and leave the country. Remembering those times, I feel like we had the room to focus on what we really enjoy at work, develop ourselves and identify new opportunities. This period brought us many successful projects too. To mention a few great ones, we delivered interactive installations at the children’s museum in Louvre Abu Dhabi, we executed the full digital exhibition of the Hungarian pavilion at EXPO 2020, designed and produced a massive educational conference, participated in the designing and execution of many museum projects and delivered numerous events.

It seems like festivals are back worldwide. How do you see the future in the field of corporate events?

Public events and tourism are good indicators for us, but the wounds of the corporate event industry are not totally healed yet. It would be irresponsible from me to make any assumptions, but there are certainly less corporate events happening around the world than before the pandemic. Will they be back one day? Nobody knows. I spoke to an industry fellow recently and he says their studios for online events are still packed, so it looks like virtual events are still very much with us and will stay for a while, definitely taking the place of physical events. We at Kraftwerk, managed to diversify our services as much as possible during the pandemic. Besides live events, we work in museums and have recently started to explore opportunities combining art and technology.

Is that your new immersive event space?

We created kanvas as a co-brand of Kraftwerk, strictly for art related projects. kanvas is much more than an event space (although it can host smaller events in a very unique environment), it’s actually a gallery and an incubator combined in one. A space open for projects showcasing visual and digital art, NFTs, immersive and generative art, video mapping, interaction, and experiential design. From September onwards, we are hosting exciting projects, starting with an exhibit by an artist from Dubai, moving onto an immersive exhibition of a twelve year old Hungarian painter in October and from November a light art exhibition lasting 3 months with super impressive creations and artworks.

Come, visit us! We are in the new cultural district of Dubai in Al Quoz, called the Al Khayat Art Avenue.

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